Everyone to the concert?
Lukashists continue the practice of planting the ideas of the "Russian world". It turns out that the "main musical event of the year" in Belarus is a "plywood" concert of Russian pops.
So, according to the findings BELPOL information, "ideolouches" in all regions of our country are sending out a mailing to businesses and organizations campaigning for the Russian "Song of the Year" at the Minsk Arena on 10.12.2023 and are strongly "recommended" to organize a visit to this event with ticket prices ranging from 80 to 479 rubles.
But even in this situation, the dictator's servants were lying. the real "Song of the Year" will be held not on December 10, but on December 2, and not in Minsk, but in Moscow.and the list of participants will be more impressive. So. "Song of the Year" in Minsk is another "divorce". Nowadays, none of the normal artists go to Lukashists and Putinists, so they have to "clone" the same concert, presenting it as a significant event.
Document distributed to enterprises
It is noteworthy that Belarusian "maestros of the stage" were for some reason not invited to participate in the Minsk concertIt is unlikely that there will be many people willing to pay a considerable amount of personal money for this "action". It is unlikely that there will be many people willing to give a considerable amount of personal money for this "action", for sure the concert will once again be organized at the expense of union funds.
BELPOL continues to monitor the situation.
Zhyve Belarus!