The US has introduced a new package of sanctions against Lukashenko's regime!
The sanctions lists on Belarus were supplemented by 8 individuals and 11 legal entities.
The list of Belarusian officials and businessmen, hit by sanctions, was added to the list:
- Director General of Beltamozhservice RUE Vadim Babarikin;
- Director of JSC Zenit-BelOMO Mykola Gaichuk;
- General Director of BelOMO Holding Alexander Moroz;
- Director of Tabak-Invest OJSC Viktor Petrovich;
- Chairman of Amkodor Alexander Shakutin;
- Head of the Belarusian Red Cross Society Dmitry Shevtsov;
- Scientist in the field of laser physics and instrumentation, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Aleksey Shkadarevich;
- businessman Pavel Topouzidis.
New Belarusian enterprises were also added to the U.S. sanctions list:
- concern "Bellesbumprom";
- JSC "S.I. Vavilov MMZ - management company of BelOMO Holding;
- JSC "Zenit-Belomo";
- JSC Holding Management Company "HORIZONT";
- JSC "AMKODOR" is the holding company's management company";
- JSC "Planar";
- RPTUP "Management Company of the Holding "Belarusian Cement Company";
- RUE "Beltamozhservice";
- JSC "Tabak-Invest".
The association of law enforcers of Belarus BELPOL welcomes such decisions of the USA and we are sure that this is not the last sanctions package.
Long Live Belarus!