According to information received BELPOL, self-appointed government, in violation of the Labor Code, plans as soon as possible abolish operating in Belarus restrictions on the maximum amount of overtime work and the involvement of enterprise personnel in work on weekends. Proposals to take such measures have already been sent to the dictator by the so-called "Ministry of Industry" together with the "Ministry of Labor and Social Protection" of the Republic of Belarus.
Moreover, the "leaders" of these ministries, called to protect the rights of workers, are not at all embarrassed by the fact that According to Article 85 of the latest version of Lukashenko's constitution, the "president" has no right to issue decrees and orders contradicting laws (which is the Labor Code).
The regime's "boyars" have clearly internalized the master's message - "sometimes (that is, whenever their leader feels like it.) is not up to the laws."
The essence of the problem is as follows. According to the norms of the Labor Code, overtime work shall not exceed per employee 10 hours per workweek and 180 hours per year. It is permissible to use for work no more than 12 days off per year of every employee.
However, due to the mass departure of qualified personnel from "prosperous" Belarus, Many state enterprises are chronically understaffed. At the same time, the demand for non-compliance Russian military orders have not been canceled. So labor laws are violated almost everywhere.
Therefore, in order to "stable operation of production organizations"In the near future, collective bargaining agreements concluded at enterprises, notwithstanding the provisions of the Labor Code, It will be possible to increase without any restrictions the maximum amount of overtime work, including on weekends and with impunity operate patient Belarusians as much as the administration of enterprises wants. The nomenklatura "unions" are silent as usual.
BELPOL continues to monitor the situation.
Zhyve Belarus!