It has been reported by several BELPOL sources that in the near future. The regime will introduce further amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure.
In particular, the list of articles of the Criminal Code will be expanded, under which the criminal prosecution authorities will be able to Detain citizens without a mandatory preventive measure for a period of up to 10 days
and without charge for up to 20 days.
Planned to exclude from the CCP part 2 of article 333According to which "If a victim or witness, who is exempted by law from the obligation to testify against the accused, has not consented to testify in court, their testimony given during pre-trial proceedings may not be disclosed. Nor may a sound recording of their testimony or a videotape or film recording of the interrogation be reproduced."
❗️ In practice, this provision made it possible to block the possibility of using as evidence the testimony of close relatives obtained through deceit, threats or violence. Now the testimony of such persons, extracted at the stage of inquiry or preliminary investigation, will be able to form the basis of a verdict.
Prosecutors will be given the authority to give binding instructions to the investigator on bringing as a defendant, the qualification of the crime and the scope of the charge.
The changes will also affect the powers of heads of investigative units - the latter will be deprived of the power to cancel unlawful decisions of investigators to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings and to terminate the preliminary investigation. Such powers will be vested exclusively in the prosecutor.
In general, the essence of the changes will be reduced to worsening the situation of the suspect, depriving the investigator of procedural independence and strengthening the role of the prosecutor's office.
If you have additional information about the planned changes, write us. Confidentiality guaranteed.
Long Live Belarus!