The European Union has adopted the 14th package of sanctions against individuals and organizations threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. The sanctions list includes and JSC Belarusian Optical and Mechanical Association BelOMO - an enterprise of the military-industrial complex of Belarus that produces and sells optical sights for the Russian army, and its general manager - Alexander Moroz.
As a justification for the imposition of sanctions, the EU cites information previously reported in our big investigation "Gun baron"which concerned the creation by BelOMO Holding (which includes OAO Vavilov MMZ) of the PVKU-210 drive contact device, which is a key element in the production of the control panel (of the commander's panoramic sight) for Russian armored vehicles.
S.I. Vavilov Minsk Mechanical Plant OJSC - enterprise of BelOMO holding company specializing in the production of military optical equipment. The drive rotating contact device PVKU-210 was assembled there.
BELPOL welcomes the imposition of sanctions against companies assisting the aggressor in the war against Ukraine.
Long Live Belarus!