"People's reporter" and BELPOL spokesman Aliaksandr Kabanov, in his interviews, has already reported about a horrible accident that took place in June 2023 in the walls of prison No. 4 (Mogilev) - when one of the prisoners killed another using a razor blade (so-called "washer"). The deceased's head was actually cut off, with the razor blade lodged in his spine.
Lukaszysts, in spite of the conducted check, are not going to report about the incident, as usual. Therefore, we supplement this information.
Note: Prison No. 4, widely known in "narrow circles" as "Mogilev Indoor Prison" is a place where "persistent violators of the established order of serving punishment" are kept. It was originally intended for criminal authorities and rebels of the criminal world, but over time the dictatorial regime began to use it in attempts to break the will of political prisoners.
Actors in this conflict:
Victim (murdered):
Nikolai Nikolay Nikolayevich Borisevich, was previously convicted under Article 205 of the Criminal Code (theft), who had been serving a sentence of 20 years' imprisonment under strict regime since 2008 for committing a crime under paragraph 6, part 2, article 139, part 1, article 147, part 1, article 206 of the Criminal Code, i.e. for murder committed with particular cruelty, involving the infliction of grievous bodily harm and robbery. Toxicomaniac, to whom compulsory treatment measures were applied.
Chirigba Tsikol (Chirigba Tsikol), citizen of Georgia, registered in Minsk, not previously convicted, sentenced on 06.10.2020 under p.3, part 2, article 147, part 2 art. 331, part 2, art. 364 of the Criminal Code - for intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, expressed in permanent disfigurement of the face, committed in a manner characterized by torture and torment (formed by a MINIMUM of 19 traumatic impacts of sharp objects), inducement to repeatedly use especially dangerous narcotic and psychotropic substances (mephedrone, alpha-PVP, methadone) with the use of violence - against his AWARE pregnant spouse, as well as for threatening to use violence against a police officer (deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Pervomaisky district police department of Minsk Slabko Oleg Va. Oleg Valeryevich Slabko). On the aggregate of the committed crimes humane to such persons t.a. "Judge" Maksim Leonidovich Trusevich (rendering more than 370 decisions in political administrative and criminal cases) sentenced Chirigba Tsikol to a mere nine years in prison.
According to BELPOL, and Borisevich and Chirigba had an agency connection from the head of the prison's operations and security department Sergey Igorevich Nikitin and were repeatedly used to carry out tasks in the form of provocations. And their targets were not only representatives of criminals, but also political prisoners. The purpose of the provocations - Artificially creating conflicts and disturbing conditions for fellow inmates, resulting in undesirable individuals who are undesirable to the prison administration. "sewed an additional term" under Art. 411. Criminal Code for "malicious disobedience to the lawful demands of the administration of a penal institution".
BELPOL is confident that in the near future itself. Nikitin, Chirigba TsikolAs well as other provocateurs (as well as the Lariscore agents, misused), will be subjected to a fair and impartial trial in the new democratic Belarus.
Long Live Belarus!