The Heraldic Rada "Pagonya" distributed and gave the heraldic emblem to the Belarusian Union of Slavic Associations BELPOL.
Apisanne emblem:
The emblem is a varazh plate with a silver plate with the word "BELPOL" in black color embossed on the top of the plate. In the black field of the tarchy there is a sword embossed with a sharp edge. Above the back of the ball is a silver mark with downward curves, and above it are the srebnye shalsi.
The campaign and the choice of symbols on the emblem illustrate Belarusians' commitment to justice. The legal and judicial systems of the free state are responsible for the implementation of this theme.
Padkova symbolizes a reference to the nature and search for justice during investigative operative measures and is a historical symbol of Belarusian police and court officials (padkova is the most frequent element on the heels of the civil servants of the GDL. Wozny - a service dog, horse tracker-operativnik and chief court official), sails - courage, sword - punishment for honors. The symbols that make up the emblem, in their campaigns, are dedicated to the unstable and dynamic Investigation (the stick), the fair Court (the sails), and the punishment for the pronouncement of judgments (the sword).
The black color denotes stiffness, austerity, resignation to death, the black color of the chalk is the correspondence of the political and judicial leaders of the GDL, the silver in heraldry symbolizes fear, confusion and corruption.
The authorized logo will be displayed on the organization's official documents.
We sardechna jiakucu radze Pagonya for the righteous work for ASB BELPOL.
Zhyve Belarus!