BELPOL analyzed the situation with layoffs in the judiciary, the current situation after the 2020 election..
Having studied the published decrees of the illegitimate dictator, we can state that in the the period from August 2020 to the present the judiciary on its own initiative 184 judges have left. We obtained this figure by adding up the number of judges whose powers were terminated in connection with the application for dismissal at their own will (37), as well as the number of judges who retired or whose powers were terminated due to the expiration of their terms (147).
For understanding: those judges who have the necessary length of service resign, and those who do not have such length of service resign of their own volition. At the same time, in accordance with the Law "On Civil Service", resignation is the termination of civil service precisely on the initiative of a civil servant.
In order to objectively assess a picture of what's going on in the judicial system, we willfully have not been turned on in their calculations of judges who have reached the age limit for service, left due to transfer to another job, etc. Thus, in percentage terms in relation to the total number of judges (about 1,218 positions), after the 2020 election. the judiciary on its own initiative left more than 15% of judges. OVERALL, if we take into account the fact that the vast majority of the judges we are considering are district judges, relative to the total number of district judges (about 821 positions), this the figure is much higher, amounting to more than 22%.
We are not going to speculate about the motives of the people who decided to say goodbye to the judiciary, because among those who left their posts there are also judges involved in passing deliberately unjust verdicts for political reasons, but we are not going to discuss the motives of the people who decided to say goodbye to the judiciary. the trend towards the renewal of the judiciary continues. Which in today's realities means replacing judges who sentence on the basis of the law with judges who agree to operate in a "sometimes not up to the law" environment... .
BELPOL continues to monitor the situation.
Zhyve Belarus!