Analytical note to the propaganda film "Devils of Terror"
Lukashenko's propagandists and the so-called "KGB" released their next pseudo-investigation about "terrorists". Earlier, we have already exposed the regime's fakes about the jeep breaking through the Belarus-Ukraine border and staging the liquidation of a "terrorist" in Hrodna. It is noteworthy that in both cases the "terrorists" turned out to be active employees of the KGB.And now propaganda has produced another "masterpiece" - the movie "Demons of Terror". Unfortunately, there will be gullible citizens who will believe these stories. Therefore, we explain why such "movies" are created and where their authors "screwed up".
The main purposes of spreading this barefaced lie, are as follows:
- To create an image of an enemy in the face of Ukraine and Ukrainians and, as the Lukashists constantly do, to try to turn reality upside down. To create an illusion that it is not Lukashenko's regime that facilitates the Russian aggression in Ukraine, because of which many territories of this country have been turned into ruins and hundreds of thousands of people have died, but allegedly on the contrary - it is Ukraine with the hands of its special services waging an undeclared war against "peaceful Belarus" and organizing terrorist acts to kill our civilian population.
- To frighten the population of Belarus. To show that the dictator's punitive structures keep everything under control and it is useless to resist - all dissenters will be caught, instantly exposed and imprisoned for many years, or even "capital punishment" will be applied.
- To create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion in the country, to encourage the population to "snitch" to the punitive authorities on any occasion - on "suspicious" citizens with liberal views, persons of Ukrainian nationality, or even just people with any foreign connections.
- The flywheel of repression needs new victims, and punitive structures need to demonstrate their importance and usefulness to the junta. Therefore, if there are no real "terrorists", we have to create them ourselves, and then try to convince the population that the propaganda is realistic.
Our people have already gone through all this in the last century during the Soviet Union. But no proper conclusions were drawn. Stalinists, communist nomenklatura and representatives of their repressive apparatus were "forgiven" for humane reasons, they avoided not only criminal punishment, but also lustration and now their descendants have spun the spiral of history in the same bloody direction.
Now for the lies and inconsistencies of the "movie":
- The propagandists and KGB officers throughout the whole of this report claim that it was Ukrainian special services that prepared the "terrorist attacks", but they do not provide a single proof of this. No identification data, call sign, Internet account or telephone number of at least one of the "Ukrainian curators" is given. The detainees themselves are also confused about who they "worked" for - the SBU, the AFU, the GUR or even the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate), which does not exist in Ukraine.
- Such actions, organized by special services, must have a specific goal and result, all detainees cannot name this goal, but only declare learned phrases about "destabilization of the situation" and "casualties among civilians", which are not used by the civilian population. At this time, there is no information about a similar entry of a military contingent from Belarus into the territory of Ukraine, as in 2022, such a threat is minimal at the moment, that is, there is no strategic need to conduct operations to stop military convoys. Committing real terrorist acts on the territory of Belarus may entail direct participation of Lukashenko's regime in the war, which is clearly not favorable for Ukraine, as it does not need a second front.
- The alleged "terrorist" Vabischevich P.V. has no idea at all how to plant explosives on the railroad tracks and set them off, which is clearly shown in the "movie", not to mention the statements about the amount of alcohol he consumed before the "operation".
- The driver of Vabischevich P.V. - Zinenko A.V., according to the testimony of both of them, did not know about the purpose of the trips at all, i.e. there is no corpus delicti in his actions, let alone "terrorism" or "treason".
- For some reason, both sites of the "railroad" terrorist attacks were chosen on sections of railroad tracks that have two tracks each. Moreover, these places were allegedly specially studied beforehand. That is, even a successful undermining of one track would not lead to the cessation of railroad traffic on these sections. Special services wishing to "destabilize the situation" do not allow such "punctures".
- The TNT pellets allegedly planted by the Ukrainian special services in a cache for Vabischevych P.V. did not even have packaging protecting them from moisture. Vabischevich P.V. packed them himself in polyethylene. The special services cannot afford such blunders either.
- The "investigation" never showed the assembled explosive devices and the contents of the caches of allegedly seized weapons and explosives.
- In the "film" as an explosion expert Vladimir Vladimirovich Atrashkov - head of the State Institution "GKSE" (the main department of the State Committee of Forensic Examinations), which actually specializes in auto-technical examinations. Probably, nobody in GKSE wanted to be disgraced in the propaganda movie and the "embrasure" once again had to be closed by the "high chief".
- If the so-called "KGB" documented the facts of preparation of terrorist acts in Belarus by the special services of Ukraine, what measures were taken through diplomatic channels? Judging by the movie and the official chronicle - none, because there is nothing to show.
- The detentions took place on August 26 and September 4, i.e. recently, the investigation of criminal cases is at the initial stage. The criminal cases are classified, and the state propaganda has already managed to shoot a whole movie with special effects. And the propagandist Kryakvin was even allowed by someone to conduct an "experiment" with explosives and blow up a railroad track "for the sake of interest". It is clear that all this is unrealistic.
- Borodiy V.A., who has experience of contract service in the National Guard of Ukraine, according to the assurances of the kgb-schnikovs, was recruited by the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, underwent additional special training on their base, but is used for some reason by a "competing" agency - the SBU.
V.A. Borodiy allegedly repeatedly conducted stash operations in Belarus, but behaved extremely strangely when detected by the border guard. For some reason, this "professional" did not use the silenced pistol specially issued to him for such cases and told the "legend" that he entered the territory of Belarus in order to illegally transfer some person across the border, i.e. to commit a crime. Couldn't the GUR or the SBU come up with a more harmless legend - he was gathering mushrooms and berries, got lost or wanted to buy some goods, or crossed the border to see his son, who really lives in Belarus? And what to do in this case with the statement of the Lukashists that the border is "on lockdown", if V.A. Borodiy and other persons allegedly repeatedly moved weapons and explosives into Belarus, arranged caches?
- Borodiy V.A.'s possession of a Sig Sauer pistol with a silencer also seems incomprehensible. This is an expensive pistol, intended for use by professionals. And persons like Borodiy V.A. would clearly have been issued a simpler weapon - a Makarov pistol, which can also be equipped with a silencer. Apparently, the presence of this gun in the frame was needed by propagandists to link it to the "terrorist activities" of Western countries.
Moreover, in any sabotage operations involving illegal border crossing and presence on the territory of a foreign state, intelligence services (their agents) use weapons, clothing, cigarettes, etc., similar to those available in the country of penetration and in widespread use. That is, in this case, the "saboteur" would be given a Makarov pistol, which is used by most of the armed services, and not a Sig Sauer pistol, which is in service only with a small group "A" of the so-called "KGB", known to the general public as "Alpha", where it was taken for the filming of this "movie".
This is done precisely to exclude such interconnections and to make it more difficult to establish the fact of sabotage in case of leaving traces. To put it simply, there are traces of shoes of the RB military, cigarette butts sold in the RB, casings and bullets from the gun used by all IAB and military officers, i.e. the fact of foreign intervention is difficult to establish and even more difficult to prove. The Ukrainian special services accused by the propaganda are not idiots and not only know these rules, but with a high degree of probability they always apply them in practice.
- And finally, the most important thing - if the "KGB" had really uncovered foreign agents, who had real explosive devices and were planning to commit terrorist acts, an "operational game" would have been conducted to document the involvement of foreign special services in this activity, to establish the identity of the "curators", the channels of delivery of weapons, ammunition and explosives to Belarus, the objects of terrorist threat, etc. But the punishers from Lukashenka's "kgb" ran to make a movie instead.
And what about the testimony of the detained citizens, you ask? In modern Belarus, where the principle "now it's not up to the laws" prevails, anyone caught in the clutches of the punishers will be forced to say whatever they are demanded to say. And what measures are applied to the detainees can be seen in this movie by the bodily injuries on their faces and bloody shirt of A.V. Zinenko, who simply gave a ride to an acquaintance at an unfortunate time and place.
It should also be noted that all the terrorist attacks "uncovered" by the KGB in recent years are very strange - they are allegedly organized by foreign intelligence services, i.e. professionals, but nothing exploded anywhere and no one was hurt. And the explanation is very simple - there were no foreign special services and planned terrorist attacks. Everything shown in this and previous movies is a complete staging of Lukashenko's KGB.
The scheme of such staging is as follows: fake accounts or Internet chat rooms are created, through which they look for marginalized individuals who want to earn money in any way, or play on the patriotic feelings of gullible citizens - they rub into their trust and ask them to help Ukraine. Then they give simple tasks that do not arouse suspicion, such as photographing something and sending photos, or transferring small amounts of money. At the same time, the KGB officers introduce themselves as employees of the Ukrainian special services, thus immediately forming in the "assistants" a criminal offense of "treason against the state" or "espionage". Then, provocations with "explosives", operational documentation - and then "spies, saboteurs and terrorists", allegedly working for foreign special services and intending to kill peaceful Belarusians, were exposed.
Therefore, we urge everyone - do not give in to provocations of strangers, think about what you are doing and reporting in Internet correspondence. And if you do fall into the clutches of the punishers, it is better to keep silent and do not give any evidence. This is the only correct tactic. And in no case you should not admit that you committed any actions in the interests of foreign intelligence services, armed formations and other organizations. Even in the movie "Devils of Terror" one can clearly see how the detainees are "divorced", forced to make assumptions that their actions could entail the crash of passenger trains, the death of "peaceful Belarusians", etc., although none of the defendants had such an intention.